Nos publications: Articles et chapitres de livres scientifiques
- (2014) Michaud, R. St. Lawrence Estuary beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) population parameters based photo-identification surveys, 1989-2012. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2013/130. iv + 27 p.
- (2014) Lesage, V., L. Measures, A. Mosnier, S. Lair, R. Michaud. and P. Béland. Mortality patterns in St. Lawrence Estuary beluga (Delphinapterus leucas), inferred from the carcass recovery data, 1983-2012. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2013/118. iv + 23 p.
- (2014) Chion, C., J.A., Landry, L. Parrott, D. Marceau, P. Lamontagne, S. Turgeon, R. Michaud, C.C.A. Martins, N. Ménard, G. Cantin and S. Dionne. Insights from agent-based modelling to simulate whale-watching tours: Influence of captains’ decision strategy on whale exposure and excursion content. In: Higham, J., Lusseau, D. and Bedjer, L. (Eds.), Whale-Watching, Sustainable Tourism and Ecological Management. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, United Kingdom).
- (2013) Ménard, N., R. Michaud, C. Chion and S. Turgeon. Documentation of Maritime Traffic and Navigational Interactions with St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga (Delphinaterus leucas) in Calving Areas Between 2003 and 2012. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2014/003. v + 25 p.
- (2013) Chion, C., G. Cantin, S. Dionne, B. Dubeau, P. Lamontagne, J.A. Landry, D. Marceau, C.C.A. Martins, N. Ménard, R. Michaud, L. Parrott and S. Turgeon. Spatiotemporal modelling for policy analysis: Application to sustainable management of whale-watching activities. Marine Policy 38:151-162.
- (2012) Lemieux-Lefebvre, S., R. Michaud, V. Lesage and D. Berteaux. Using individual restricted search characteristics to qualify herd movement patterns and define summer residency areas for St Lawrence beluga. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 450: 243-257.
- (2012) Doniol-Valcroze, T., V. Lesage, J. Giard and R. Michaud. Modelling the habitat of endangered blue whales on a North Atlantic feeding ground: insights from the identification of feeding events. Endangered Species Research 17:255-267.
- (2011) Parrott, L., C. Chion, C.C.A. Martins, P. Lamontagne, S. Turgeon, J.A. Landry, B. Zhens, D. Marceau, R. Michaud, G. Cantin, N. Ménard and S. Dionne. A decision support system to assist management of human activities in the St. Lawrence River Estuary, Canada. Environmental Modelling and Software, 26: 1403-1418.
- (2011) McQuinn, I.H., V. Lesage, D. Carrier, G. Larrivée, Y. Samson, S. Chartrand, R. Michaud and J. Theriault. A threatened beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) population in the traffic lane: vessel generated noise characteristics of the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, Canada Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130(6), 3661-3673.
- (2011) Doniol-Valcroze, T., V. Lesage, J. Giard and R. Michaud. Optimal foraging theory predicts diving and feeding strategies of the largest marine predator. Behavioral Ecology 22:880-888.
- (2011) Chion, C., P. Lamontagne, S. Turgeon, L. Parrott, J.-A. Landry, D. Marceau, C.C.A. Martins, R. Michaud, N. Ménard, G. Cantin and S. Dionne. 2011. Eliciting cognitive processes underlying patterns of human-wildlife interactions for agent-based modelling. Ecological Modelling, 222: 2213– 2226.
- (2010) Vergara V., R. Michaud and L. Barrett-Lennard. What can captive whales tell us about their wild counterparts? Identification, usage, and ontogeny of contact calls in belugas (Delphinapterus leucas). International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 23: 278-309.
- (2005) Michaud, R. Sociality and ecology of the odontocetes. In Sexual segregation in vertebrates : Ecology of the two sexes. Edited by RUCKSTUHL, K.E. and P. NEUHAUS. Cambridge University Press. pp. 303-326.
- (2005) Coakes, A., S. Gowans, P. Simard, J. Giard, C. Vashro, R. Sears. Photographic identification of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) off the Atlantic Coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. Marine Mammal Science 21 : 323-326.
- (2003) Hobbs, K.E., C.G.D. Muir, R. Michaud, P. Béland, R.J. Letcher, and R.J. Norstrom. PCBs and Organochlorine Pesticides in Blubber Biopsies from Free-Ranging St. Lawrence River Estuary Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas), 1994-98. Environmental Pollution, 122: 291-302.
- (2000) Michaud R. and P. Béland. Looking for trends in the endangered St. Lawrence beluga population. Marine Mammal Science, 17: 206-212.
- (2000) Letcher, R.J., R.J. Norstrom, D.C.G. Muir, C. Sandau, K. Koczanski, R. Michaud and P. Béland. Methyl Sulfonyl Metabolites of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and 1,1-bichlorophenyl)-2,2-dichloroethenes in Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas) From the St. Lawrence River Estuary and Western Hudson Bay, Canada. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19: 1378-1388
- (1999) Murray, B.W., R. Michaud and B.N. White. Allelic and haplotype variation of Major Histocompatibility Complex class II DRB1 and DQB loci in St. Lawrence beluga, (Delphinapterus leucas). Molecular Ecology, 8: 1127-1139.
- (1997) Giard, J et R. Michaud. L’observation des rorquals sous surveillance par la télémétrie VHF. Naturaliste Canadien 1997: 25-29.
- (1993) Michaud, R. Distribution estivale du béluga du Saint-Laurent: Synthèse 1986-1992. Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques 1906: vi + 28p.
- (1992) Béland, P., S. DeGuise, C. Girard, A. Lagacé, D. Martineau, R. Michaud, D. Muir, R. Norstrom, É. Pelletier, S. Ray and L. Shugart. Toxic compounds: health and reproductive effects in the St.Lawrence beluga whales. Journal Great Lakes Research. 19(4): 766-775.
- (1990) Michaud, R. Mouvements, comportements et zones fréquentées par le béluga du Saint-Laurent. In Compte rendu du Forum international pour l’avenir du béluga. Presses de l’Université du Québec. 345p.
- (1990) Michaud, R., A. Vézina, N. Rondeau, et Y. Vigneault. Distribution annuelle et caractérisation préliminaire des habitats du béluga (Delphinapterus leucas) du Saint-Laurent. Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques 1756: v + 31p.
- (1990) Michaud, R., A. Vézina, N. Rondeau and Y. Vigneault. Annual distribution and preliminary characterization of beluga habitats in the St. Lawrence. Canadian Technical Report on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1756: v + 31p.
- (1989) Breton, M. et R. Michaud. Distribution annuelle et caractérisation préliminaire des habitats du béluga du Saint-Laurent. Symposium sur le Saint-Laurent: un fleuve à reconquérir. Montréal, 3-5 novembre 1989. Collection Environnement et Géologie, Vol. 11. p.253-270.
- (1986) Béland, P., R. Michaud et D. Martineau. Recensements de la population de bélugas, Delphinapterus leucas, du Saint-Laurent par embarcation en 1985. Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques 1545: v + 21p.
- (2015) Lesage, V., T. Doniol-Valcroze, J. Giard and R. Michaud. Stratégie alimentaire des rorquals bleus de l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent. Krill Symposium—25 Mai 2015. 83ième congrès de l’ACFAS, UQAR, Rimouski, Québec, 25 au 29 mai 2015.
- (2015) Cantin, G., C. Chion, N. Ménard, R. Michaud et L.Parrott. La réduction des risques de collision entre les baleines et les navires dans l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent : la science au service de la conservation. Colloque « Les recherches menées par les diplômés des programmes de biologie de l’UQAR depuis 45 ans ». 83ième congrès de l’ACFAS, UQAR, Rimouski, Québec, 25 au 29 mai 2015.
- (2013) Martins, C.C.A., S. Turgeon, R. Michaud, N. Ménard, V. Lesage and L. Parrott. Modeling baleen whales’ spatial density to guide marine spatial planning within the St. Lawrence River Estuary. 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand, 9-13 December 2013.
- (2013) Lair, S., R. Michaud, L. Measures, P. Béland and N. Ménard. Marked increase in perinatal mortalities in beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) from the St. Lawrence Estuary, Quebec, Canada. 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand, 9-13 December 2013.
- (2013) Brown, M.W., V. de la Chenelière, J. Giard, R. Sears, J.-F. Blouin and P. Hamilton. North Atlantic Right Whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence: seasonal occurrence, implications for management and next steps to further species recovery. 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand, 9-13 December 2013.
- (2012) Chion, C., G. Cantin, J. Désaulniers, C. Gravel, F. Boulanger, P. Drouin, M. Fournier, M. Laliberté, N. Trépanier, R. Michaud, S. Mercier, F. Quintus, J. Lépine, L. Parrott, N. Ménard, P. Nellis, S. Turgeon, C.C.A. Martins and J.A. Landry. (École de technologie supérieure). Building and simulating management scenarios for maritime traffic: A multi-stakeholder approach to mitigate ship-whale collisions in two marine protected areas of the St. Lawrence River, Québec, Canada. Conférence Internationale Zone Côtière Canada, Rimouski, Québec, Juin 2012.
- (2011) Parrott, L., C. Chion, C.C.A. Martins, P. Lamontagne, S. Turgeon, J-A. Landry, B. Zhens, D. J. Marceau, R. Michaud, G. Cantin, N. Ménard and S. Dionne. Agent-Based Modelling of Marine Mammals and Maritime Traffic to Inform Management and Policy Decisions in Marine Protected Areas. In: 2nd International Conference on Marine Mammal Protected Areas, November 2011, Martinique.
- (2011) Martins, C.C.A., S. Turgeon, A. Blasi, L. Parrott and R. Michaud. Blue whales fine scale behavior and exposure to whale watching boats in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, Canada. In: 2nd International Conference on Marine Mammal Protected Areas, November 2011, Martinique.
- (2011) McQuinn, I.H., R. Sears, T. Doniol-Valcroze, V. Lesage, S. Plourde, J.-F. St. Pierre, M. Dion, J.-F. Gosselin, R. Michaud and N. Ménard. The role of krill behavioural dynamics in the foraging strategy of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Tampa, Florida, USA. December 2011.
- (2011) Martins, C.C.A., S. Turgeon, L. Parrott and R. Michaud. 2011. Blue whales breathing rates and exposure to whale-watching activities inside the Saguenay – Saint-Lawrence Marine Park –Québec – CA. 2nd International Marine Conservation Congress, Victoria 14-18 may 2011.
- (2011) Parrott, L., C. Chion, C.C.A. Martins, P. Lamontagne, S. Turgeon, J.-A. Landry, D. Marceau et R. Michaud. 2011. Agent-Based Modelling of Marine Mammals and Maritime Traffic to Inform Management and Policy Decisions in Marine Protected Areas. 2nd International Marine Conservation Congress, Victoria 14-18 may 2011.
- (2010) Parrott, L., C. Chion, C.C.A. Martins, P. Lamontagne, S. Turgeon, J.-A. Landry, B. Zhens, D. Marceau, R. Michaud, G. Cantin, N. Ménard and S. Dionne. 2010. SC/62/ForInfo 35. Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission 62nd Annual Meeting, Agadir, Morocco, 30 May – 11 June 2010.
- (2009) McQuinn, I. H., V. Lesage, D. Carrier, G. Larrivée, R. Michaud et J. Theriault. A threatened beluga population in an urban environment. 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy October 2009. Québec City, QC.
- (2009) Lemieux-Lefebvre, S., R. Michaud, et V. Lesage. Combining surface movement patterns and dive characteristics to identify behaviours related to restricted search in St. Lawrence beluga whales. 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy October 2009. Québec City, QC.
- (2009) Doniol-Valcroze, T., V. Lesage, J. Giard et R. Michaud. Feeding behaviour of blue whales in the St Lawrence Estuary: optimal foraging strategies and functional mapping of habitat use. 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy October 2009. Québec City, QC.
- (2009) Lair, S., M. Starr, L.N. Measures, M. Scarratt, S. Michaud, R. Michaud, P. Béland, A. Wotherspoon, G. Séguin, A. Dallaire, M. Quilliam. Unusual mortalities of marine mammals in the St. Lawrence Estuary associated with a saxitoxins-producing bloom of (Alexandrium tamarense.) 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy 11 October 2009. Québec City, QC.
- (2009) Martins, C.C.A., R. Michaud, J. Giard, S. Turgeon and L. Parrott. Fin whale habitat modelling derived from opportunistic surveys and suction-cup VHF-tracks in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, Canada. 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy 11 October 2009. Québec City, QC.
- (2009) Chion, C., P. Lamontagne, S. Turgeon, L. Parrott, J.-A. Landry, D. Marceau, C.C.A. Martins, R. Michaud, N. Ménard, G. Cantin and S. Dionne. Analysis of emerging primary and secondary patterns for the selection and validation of a spatially explicit agent-based model. ISEM 2009: Ecological Modelling for Enhanced Sustainability in Management. 6-9 October 2009. Québec City, QC.
- (2009) Landry, J.-A., L. Parrott, C. Chion, C.C.A. Martins, P. Lamontagne, S. Turgeon, R. Michaud, D. Marceau, N. Ménard, G. Cantin and S. Dionne. Supporting ecosystem management using agent-based modelling of whalewatching activities in the Saint-Lawrence estuary. ISEM 2009: Ecological Modelling for Enhanced Sustainability in Management. 6-9 October 2009. Québec City, QC.
- (2009) Lamontagne, P., C. Chion, C.C.A. Martins, S. Turgeon, L. Parrott, J.-A. Landry, R. Michaud, D. Marceau, V. Lesage et J. Giard. A spatially-explicit individual-based model of marine mammals using the pattern-oriented modelling approach. ISEM 2009: Ecological Modelling for Enhanced Sustainability in Management. 6-9 October 2009. Québec City, QC.
- (2008) Parrott, L., C. Chion, C.C.A. Martins, P. Lamontagne, S. Turgeon, J.-A. Landry, D. Marceau, R. Michaud, G. Cantin, N. Menard and S. Dionne. Agent-based modelling of marine mammals and boat traffic in the Saint Lawrence Estuary, Canada. Sixth Conference of the International Society for Ecological Informatics. 2-5 December 2008. Cancun, Mexico.
- (2008) Lamontagne, P., L. Parrott, J.-A. Landry, D. Marceau, C. Chion, S. Turgeon, C.C.A. Martins, R. Michaud, N. Ménard S. Dionne et G. Cantin. Conceptualizing an individual-based model to simulate marine mammal behaviour in the Saint Lawrence Estuary, Canada. North Atlantic Fisheries Oceans (NAFO) Symposium. 29 Sep – 1 October 2008. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
- (2008) Chion, C., C.C.A. Martins, P. Lamontagne, S. Turgeon, L. Parrott, J.-A. Landry, D. Marceau, R. Michaud, G. Cantin, N. Ménard et S. Dionne. Pattern-oriented modeling strategy to elaborate a spatially-explicit agent-based model dynamically guided by human decisionmaking. Sixth Conference of the International Society for Ecological Informatics. 2-5 December 2008. Cancun, Mexico.
- (2008) Chion, C., C.C.A. Martins, P. Lamontagne, S. Turgeon, L. Parrott, J.-A. Landry, D. Marceau, R. Michaud, N. Ménard, V. Lesage, J. Giard et S. Dionne. Modélisation des déplacements des bateaux d’excursions aux baleines et des mammifères marins dans le parc marin du Saguenay––Saint-Laurent. Colloque scientifique parc marin Saguenay-Saint-Laurent: 10 années de science au service de la conservation. October 2-3 2008. Rivière-du-Loup, QC.
- (2007) Lemieux-Lefebvre, S., R. Michaud, V. Lesage et D. Berteaux. Quantitative analysis of fine-scale movement patterns of the St. Lawrence beluga whale, Delphinapterus leucas. 17th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. Cape Town, South Africa 29 November – 3 December 2007.
- (2007) Chion, C., S. Turgeon, L. Parrott, J.-A. Landry, D. Marceau, R. Michaud, G. Cantin, et S. Dionne. Agent-Based Modeling of Whale-Watching Cruise Operators’ Behavior. International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS). 29 October 2007. Boston, MA, USA.
- (2005) Michaud, R. Complex social Structure in Beluga whales: Do males form alliances? Are males territorial? Delphinid and primate Social Ecology Conference, Kyoto, Japan, July 29-30, 2005.
- (2005) Lesage, V., R. Michaud, J. Giard, M. Harvey and J. Runge. Fin whales tune their distribution and grouping patterns on krill biomasses : a test of the hypothesis using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios. European Cetacean Society meeting, 2–7 April, La Rochelle, France.
- (2005) Dupré, B., V. Lesage, R. Michaud, Y. Morin and H. Guderley. Pregnancy determination in two species of odontocete whales using blubber samples. The 44th Annual Canadian Society of Zoologists Conference, 10–14 May, 2005, Kingston, Ontario.
- (2003) Lesage, V and R. Michaud. Classification of dives of beluga whales from the St.Lawrence Estuary, Canada, using depth and velocity profiles. 15th Biennial conference on the biology of marine mammals. Society for marine mammalogy. Dec. 14-19 2001, Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.
- (2003) Dupré, B., V. Lesage, R. Michaud, Y. Morin and H. Guderley. Evaluation of a method using blubber tissue for the determination of pregnancy in odontocetes. 15th Biennial conference on the biology of marine mammals. Society for marine mammalogy. Dec. 14-19 2001, Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.
- (2002) Godefroy, A., R. Cloutier, R. Michaud and G. Desrosiers. Behavioural and acoustic differences among belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) summer herds in the St. Lawrence estuary (Québec, Canada). Orca Whale Symposia. Bruxelle, 2002.
- (2001) Michaud, R. Why and when sexes should segregate. 14th Biennial conference on the biology of marine mammals. Society for marine mammalogy. Nov. 28 – Dec 3, 2001, Vancouver, B.C. Canada.
- (2001) Michaud, R. Why and when sexes should segregate. European Cetacean Society Conference, Rome, 6-10 May 2001.
- (2001) Harvey, M., R. Michaud, J.A. Runge, J.-F St-Pierre et P.Joly. Interannual variability of the krill standing biomass in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary: impact on fin whale dispersion. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography 2001 Conference.
- (2001) Giard, J., R. Michaud, M. Harvey et J.A. Runge. Fin whale tune their dispersion and grouping patterns on krill standing biomass. 14th Biennial conference on the biology of marine mammals. Society for marine mammalogy. Nov. 28 – Dec 3, 2001, Vancouver, B.C. Canada.
- (1999) Michaud, R. Social organization of the St. Lawrence Beluga whale. 13th Biennial conference on the biology of marine mammals. Society for marine mammalogy. Nov. 28 – Dec 3, 1999. Maui, Hawaii.
- (1998) Michaud, R. and J. Giard. VHF tracking of fin whales provides scientific ground for the management of whale watching in the St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada. The World Marine Mammal Science Conference. Society for Marine Mammalogy. Monaco. 20-24 January 1998.
- (1998) Giard, J., R. Michaud et J. Goodyear. The days and nights of fin whales : a VHF tracking study of their behavior and use of habitat in the St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada. The World Marine Mammal Science Conference. Society for Marine Mammalogy. Monaco. 20-24 January 1998.
- (1997) Letcher, R.J, D.C.G. Muir, R.J. Norstrom, R. Michaud et P. Béland. PCB Biotransformation and Methyl Sulfone PCB Metabolites in Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas) From the St. Lawrence River Estuary and Western Hudson Bay. Dioxin 1997.
- (1996) Michaud, R. Les populations de mammifères marins sont elles menacées par l’écotourisme? 21e congrès de l’Association des biologistes du Québec, Le Saint-Laurent pour la vie, organisé conjointement avec Saint-Laurent Vision 2000. Québec, Novembre 1996. Collection Environnement de l’Université de Montréal, Vol. 23. p.155-163.
- (1994) Michaud, R. Population structure of the St. Lawrence belugas. Workshop on traditional and Contemporary knowledge of Nunavik belugas. Novembre 1994. Institut Maurice Lamontagne, Mont-Joli, Québec.
Présentations en tant que conférencier invité
- (2018) Muller, M-E. Sharing their habitat, sharing their stories, dans le panel Sustainable Cruising: Coexisting with marine mammals and the natural environment. Cruise Canada New England Symposium, Boston, United States, 31 mai 2018.
- (2018) Michaud, R. Comprendre pour protéger et partager les beautés du monde. Cartel 2018, Le Vivier – Carrefour des musiques nouvelles, Montréal, Canada, 19 mai 2018.
- (2018) Michaud, R. Les bélugas et la beauté du monde. Diner-conférence pour Nature-Québec, Montréal, Canada, 14 mai 2018.
- (2015) Michaud, R. 30 ans avec les bélugas du Saint-Laurent : la recherche et l‘éducation, un mariage pour la conservation. Forum science et environnement : 25 ans de conservation des espèces menacées ou vulnérables du Québec. Québec, Canada, 18 février 2015.
- (2013) Michaud, R. Et si les bélugas disparaissaient. Le cœur des sciences, Université du Québec à Montréal. Montréal, Canada, 12 décembre 2013.
- (2011) Michaud, R. La reproduction des mammifères marins. Centre de recherche en biologie de la reproduction. Forêt Montmorency, Québec, le 26 mai 2011.
- (2009) Michaud, R. 25 ans avec les bélugas du Saint-Laurent : les confessions d’un voyeur. Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. 2 février 2009.
- (2008) Michaud, R. L’affaire Béluga : Enquêtes sur les bélugas du Saint-Laurent. Colloque scientifique parc marin Saguenay—Saint-Laurent: 10 années de science au service de la conservation. Octobre 2-3 2008. Rivière-du-Loup, QC.
- (2007) Michaud, R. Behavioural ecology and conservation biology: what is fun to understand and what we need to know to help the whales (a review of the St. Lawrence Beluga Case). The First International Workshop on Beluga Whale Research, Husbandry and Management. March 9-11, 2007. L’Oceanogràfic, Valencia, Spain.
- (2002) Michaud, R. Un siècle avec les baleines du Saint-Laurent. Musée canadien de la nature. Ottawa. Mars 2002.
- (2001) Michaud, R. Whales, Krill and Tides. British Antarctic Survey Seminar. Cambridge, UK. May 3th 2001.
- (2000) Michaud, R. Le Saint-Laurent, ses baleines et ses chercheurs de baleines. Colloque pluridisciplinaire d’Amérique et d’Atlantique : Tadoussac 2000. Tadoussac, 13-14 Octobre 2000.
- (1997) Michaud, R. The St. Lawrence Beluga case. The Whale Forum. Ontario Royal Museum, Toronto. November 2nd, 1997.